Forming reality – new work by sculptor Paul Rowbottom

posted November 12, 2013 at 4:18 pm in News, Sculpture

AN EXHIBITION of new work by British sculptor Paul Rowbottom entitled Forming Reality, a synthesis of Painting Ceramics & Sculpture opens this week and Rowbottom’s latest sculpture, Celtic Connection, a work combining Purbeck stone and forged iron, will be showcased there.

Celtic Connection by Paul Rowbottom

Rowbottom, who trained as a sculptor at Leicester Polytechnic and Les Arts Decoratif, Strasbourg, says, “I am drawn to the possibilities of combining sculptural form with manufacturing processes, both traditional and digital. Elegant simplicity of form and the use of appropriate materials are essential concerns in my work.

“My stone carving and ceramics use traditional methods and attempt to create work which is both contemporary in feel yet reaches back to an ancient heritage. I continue to carve
stone and work in a range of ceramic processes.”

Rowbottom is currently prototyping sculptural furniture with Furniture Works at London Metropolitan University.

The show also features new work from Andrew Cochrane Dixon painted in Italy this year.

by Caroline Simpson

Forming Reality, a synthesis of Painting Ceramics & Sculpture opens on November 4 and is on until November 9 at:

The Upstairs Gallery 68 High Street,Berkhamsted,Hertfordshire HP4 1AQEmail:

The exhibition is open from Monday to Saturday, November 4 – 9, 10­ 5pm,

Published on November 12, 2013.